Hi! I'm Daniel Woodworth (/'dænjəl 'wʊdwɜ˞θ/, he/him), and this is my personal website. I'm a compiler engineer by trade, though you won't see any of that here because this site is only for things unrelated to my day job. For now it's mostly just a collection of old web-adapted personal projects.
This site is IPFS native—its true URL is ipns://k51qzi5uqu5djgauudspx6t3uqfckte5b9q2wn2lmi5krbdvags037instlw7a and the HTTP server is just a mirror. I've been following a handful of projects working on a more decentralized Web, and IPFS seems to be one of the furthest along. This site is designed to work well in that kind of environment—it doesn't have any server-side logic and uses only relative paths. It might be showing up through other similar projects at some point too.
That said, I've been really disappointed with a lot of “Web3” technologies lately—it seems like most of them are really only useful for making abstract speculative financial assets, and so their most natural use case seems to be scams. Hopefully after the cryptocurrency bubble bursts some of this technology will find more useful uses.
This site uses fonts from the Ubuntu Font Family under the terms of the Ubuntu Font License. The woff2 files that this site uses are from Google Fonts via google-webfonts-helper.
It also uses the CC Symbols font, created by Daniel Aleksandersen and released into the public domain, for displaying Unicode Creative Commons symbols.
Terms of Use
All software on this site is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (included here) or any later version. All non-software content on this site (unless otherwise noted) is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License (included here).
Source Code
Almost all of this site is served in source form. You can download it through your web browser or by using a tool like wget as shown in Listing 1:
$ wget -r https://daniel.woodworth.name
to download most of this site. Unfortunately it still misses some import
-ed JavaScript; you'll have to download that separately.It's easier to download the whole site using IPFS, though; Listing 2 shows how to do that with the go-ipfs client:
$ ipfs get /ipns/k51qzi5uqu5djgauudspx6t3uqfckte5b9q2wn2lmi5krbdvags037instlw7a
Some things on this site make use of Emscripten to compile C++ programs to WebAssembly so that they can be run on the site directly. Check the pages for each of these for the full source and compilation commands.
Some parts of this site use MathJax as a fallback for displaying MathML in browsers where support for that is incomplete. This isn't necessary in more Free Software-oriented browsers like Firefox and GNOME Web/Epiphany because those also have excellent MathML support, but if you still want the source code for this it is in a separate source repository.
This site doesn't collect personal information or use any form of web analytics. Data collected on incoming requests is limited to the default nginx logs, which are only used for troubleshooting and abuse prevention. If you access this site through IPFS, even this logging doesn't apply to you.
Contact Information
SMTP (email): dascwo');DROP TABLE Emails;-- @daniel.woodworth.name
XMPP: dascwo');DROP TABLE Emails;-- @daniel.woodworth.name
ActivityPub (Mastodon): @dascwo@fosstodon.org
Codeberg: dascwo itch.io: dascwoGitLab: @dascwo
GitHub: dascwo
Email addresses and similarly-formatted things above are obfuscated; if you're not a spambot, ignore everything from ');
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